
Thursday 16 December 2010



For the self reflection scene the character is in the centre of the shot. In the murder scene the main character is seen approachnig from the left. In the first of the outside scenes the main character is in the centre of the shot, however when another character is introduced she takes up the left hand side whilst the tramp character takes up the right side.
The action in the opening scenes starts with a voiceover which flashes a few times to a killing scene, afterwards the killer leaves the room they are in, walks outside and passes a homeless person who asks her for change to which she walks towards them and then stands above them. The scene ends with the killer character opens their eyes in a sinister fashion. The main villain in this played by a girl, this fits with the theme where on the outside things appear normal, but they aren't, as usually horror villains are played by males. The acting style is quite solemn with little emotion shown, this is to fit with the idea that the charachter is a psychopath. The lighting used in the bathroom scene is quite bright to illuminate the character as they reflect themselves. Then in the killing scene a strobe light is used to give off a distorted view of what is happening. In the outside scenes the lighting is quite minmal as the darker side of the character has been introduced so the lack of lighting is there to show that the character blends in with the dark. The setting for the opening scenes is in a house on a quiet street. Inside the house the action takes place in a bathroom and a bedroom. The costume of the killer character consists of a top, leggings and a jacket. This is as the character is supposed to appear to be normal. The character of the homeless person costume will not be visible apart from a hat and fingerless gloves which are the usual attire of these types of people. The main prop used in the opening scenes is a knife, which is shown in the flashbacks. This type of weapon is commonly found in horror films.

Camera Work: 
The shot sizes range from mid shots, long shots, extreme long shots and extreme close ups. The extreme close up and long shots are there to help the auidence understand the character whilst the longer shots are to show movement. In the opening scenes there will be high, low and slanted angle shots to give an eery feel to the sequence. There aren't any tracking or panning shots as i want the edititing to be quite quick to create tension.

The self reflection shots are intended to be quite long as there is a voiceover over the top of whats happening. However the murder scenes are quite quick and have a flashing strobe light which makes it appear faster. The outside shots all dissolve into eachother to show how far the character is moving.

The sound will mainly be made up of the voiceover. The digetic sound comes from the scream in the killing scene. The non-digetic sounds in the sequence comes mainly in the outside sections, such as the wind and passing traffic. There is music played during the titles which is quite loud and powerful, it involves heavy percussion to create a moody atmosphere.

Micro elements
The majority of the film is shot in dark lighting which is typical for horror films. I intent to include a slanted angle shot in my opening sequence to show a distorted view of the character. the props used in this all link to the genre of horror, such as a knife.

Macro elements
The genre of the film is Horror this is shown through having a psychopath character who kills people in the opening sequence.
The opening sequnce will have quite an eery tone as the voiceover is quite disturbing. Also the sequences are shot at night time which creates a more creepy tone.
Flash back
I aim to use a flashback in my opening sequence to show the killing scene. This links to voiceover.
Voice over’s
The voice over is spoken by the killer and gives an insight into their mental state, it also helps to link the scenes together.
The audience for this film would probably be teenagers. Nowadays it is more teenagers that watch horror films, also my cast are all of a similar age

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